3 secrets of electrical safety testing that everyone misses Having provided test and tag services in Melbourne, and across Australia, for over 15 years, we’ve learnt many lessons about the best way to manage electrical safety. While most of these have become common...
How improving electrical safety can increase your employee retention For most modern workplaces, electricity is a necessity – it keeps the lights on, powers the equipment, and generally makes the employee’s working life easier and more comfortable. However, for all...
The power of hazard identification with test and tag Broadly speaking, electrical safety is about minimising the risks associated with the use of electrical equipment. Hazard identification is the first – and arguably, most important – step in this process. A great...
29/11/2019 Test Tag Labels: How much information is required on the tag? While a lot of people focus on the “testing” part of the test and tag service, the actual tagging of appliances and equipment is equally important. The test tag provides important information...
How to lower business insurance with thermal imaging Emily Fear, Marketing Officer 28/10/2019 It is becoming increasingly common for many Australian businesses to use Thermal Imaging as a way to decrease commercial insurance premiums. Many cheap overseas electrical...
BUSINESS & TEST AND TAG REPORTS The importance of record keeping in your business Emily Fear, Marketing Officer 27/08/2019 The recent Royal Commission into Misconduct in Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry demonstrates what happens when...