Award-Winning Test and Tag Services

Emily Fear, Marketing Officer

30 July 2019

At A1 Testing & Tagging we are very proud to announce our win at the Monash Business Awards – Transport and Trade Category this Friday 26/07/2019. 

Having been part of the Monash area for almost 20 years we are incredibly proud to have even been nominated let alone win one of the Monash Businesses’ converted awards.

A1 Testing & Tagging has been a member of the Monash area since inception starting out in the Monash Business Incubator until eventually graduating into our own office space in Clayton and then Huntingdale within a few short years. We have always been a promotor and active participant within the Monash business community providing a safer work environment for all.

Our Monash Business Award Finalist Profile.

In today’s modern world we as a community take electricity for granted and very rarely think of the dangers it could pose. Winning this award allows us to further ensure that businesses within the Monash area and beyond have a safe work environment, free of any electrical risk. Whether a factory, warehouse, work site, school or office the threat of electricity is real and we help remove this risk creating a safer work environment for all.

“With many of our clients being from the Monash area we take great pride in receiving this award”

As a national company we supply a team of highly trained technicians all over Monash, Melbourne and Australia. Our office located in Huntingdale provides us a Head Quarters for, organising jobs, keeping stock, doing onsite testing and tagging and to run training programs.

The A1 Testing and Tagging team celebrating our win.

We differentiate ourselves through our excellent booking and reminder system. With a friendly team in the office we are able to contact each individual client, ensuring their workplaces are always up-to-date and that we have the very best relationship with our clients.

With many of our clients being from the Monash area we take great pride in this honour and look forward to what the future has in store for A1 Testing & Tagging.

If you a looking to get your workplace tested and tagged to ensure it is safe for your employees, get a quote here and get your workplace tested, or call us on 1300 303 759.


If you’re looking to become a test and tag expert, we offer a course to train you, as well as the equipment to make testing and tagging easy with the Clevermode PAT and Print kit.

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